Dear members of IPSA RC 46,

We are writing to inform you of the date and time of the RC 46 elections at the IPSA meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and to share the list of nominations received to date which are below this introductory note.

The meeting and election will be held at:


Scheduled time: 18-07-2023 12:45 UTC-3 (1 hour)

Room at the conference: SJ1 102

As explained in the original call for nominations, included below, candidates had until earlier this month to submit nominations that would appear on the ballot, but candidates also have the option to declare their candidacy at the meeting and be written in on ballots by those who wish to vote for them.

Without any further nominations at the meeting (again, you may declare your candidacy for any position at the meeting), we will have acclamations that would fill all positions except for the following:

  • 1 of two Vice-Chair positions (we have received 1 nomination for 2 positions)

  • 1 Treasurer position (1 position, no nominations received)

  • 1 officer position (received 6 candidates for 7 officer positions)


Thank you to those who have already submitted nominations and a huge thank you to those of you who have served this committee so well to date, including putting together our section’s panels for this year’s conference!


All the very best to all of you,

John Carlaw, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada and Madimabe Tebele, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

2023 Elections Officers for IPSA RC46


Documents/information below

1) Date and time of the RC 46 Meeting and Election

2) Nominations received by deadline to appear on ballot

3) Original Call for Nominations


Date and time of the RC 46 Meeting and Election


Scheduled time

18-07-2023 12:45 UTC-3 (1 hour)

Room at the conference

SJ1 102


Nominations received by deadline to appear on ballot


Chair candidates (1 position; 1 nomination received)

Chair Candidate 1 (received June 5, 2023)

Yasmeen Abu-Laban is Professor and Canada Research Chair in the Politics of Citizenship and Human Rights at the University of Alberta (Canada).  She is the author of numerous works relating to migration, anti-racism and citizenship including most recently (with Ethel Tungohan and Christina Gabriel) Containing Diversity:  Canada and the Politics of Immigration in the 21st Century (University of Toronto Press, 2023) and (with Alain-G.Gagnon and Arjun Tremblay) Assessing Multiculturalism in Global Comparative Perspective(Routledge, 2023).  As founding Chair of RC46 Prof Abu-Laban, played a pivotal role in establishing RC46, the RC46 website, the RC46 listserv, developing panels in the 2018, 2021 and 2023 IPSA World Congresses, as well as creating RC46 panels during the 2019 International Conference on Public Policy held in Montreal. She is running for re-election as Chair for a final two-year term to consolidate gains, re-capture momentum in the post-pandemic period, and support and mentor for the Chairship transition.


Vice-Chair candidates (2 positions; 1 nomination received)

Vice-Chair Candidate 1 (received June 14, 2023)

Said Saddiki is Professor of International Relations at Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco, where he heads the Political Studies and Public Law Laboratory since 2019. Saddiki served as Professor at Al-Ain University in Abu Dhabi, UAE, from 2012 to 2019. He is the author of six books, including “World of Walls: Structure, Roles and Effectiveness of Separation Barriers” (2017). He has published several articles in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and policy papers. He has received a number of international awards and grants, including Fulbright Visiting Scholarship, Research Fellowship at the NATO Defense College in Rome and the Arab Prize in the Social Sciences and Humanities. He is currently interested in international migration, border walls/fences, foreign policy analysis, and the Western Sahara dispute. Prof Saddiki has served as a member of RC46 board since 2019 and is running for one of the two vice-chair positions in the upcoming elections.


Treasurer candidates (1 position; 0 nominations received)

No nominations received.


Secretary candidates (1 position; 1 nomination received)

Secretary Candidate 1 (received June 8, 2023)

Samuel Okunade: Beyond the fundamentals of field research, Dr Samuel Okunade is a border, borderlands, migration and security specialist and consultant. His research in this field is particularly centred on border communities, migration, internal displacement, and human trafficking, as well as the interconnection between border fragility and conflict, violent extremism and terrorism across borders, conflict management in the borderlands, and border security and peacebuilding. Dr Okunade is also interested in researching and exploring ways in which social and ethnic cleavages that exist between and among African states and regions can be bridged and strengthened for the benefit of Africa’s economic prosperity, integration, and social cohesion. Currently, he is a Senior Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Centre for the Advancement of Scholarship, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Lastly, Dr Samuel Okunade is running for  re-election as the Secretary of the RC 46. In the past few years, he has worked alongside other members of the Excos and the Board to drive the agenda of the RC 46 and to make sure that success was achieved. So far, as a team, they have achieved a lot and he would like to be a part of the next administration to drive further the agenda and mandate of the RC 46.  


Officer candidates (7 positions; 6 nominations received)

Officer Candidate 1 (received June 14, 2023)

Willem Maas, Jean Monnet Chair and Professor of Political Science, Public & International Affairs, and Socio-Legal Studies at York University (Canada), chaired Glendon Political Science for three and a half years, Glendon Faculty Council for four, and is also active in professional service in many professional associations including the Migration and Citizenship section of the American Political Science Association, which he co-founded. Professor Maas has held appointments at Yale, NYU, Radboud, Leiden, EUI, and elsewhere, and writes on EU and multilevel citizenship, migration, borders, free movement, and politics focusing on Europe and North America. He co-edits the Oxford Studies in Migration and Citizenship book series and also heads the Canadian part of the Whole-COMM project, investigating the integration of migrants in small communities. Professor Maas is running for re-election as Officer to continue the work of building RC46 and promoting the study of migration and citizenship.

Officer Candidate 2 (received June 14, 2023)

Marta Pachocka - Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Studies, the Institute of International Studies, SGH Warsaw School of Economics; co-coordinator of the Laboratory of Urban and Regional Migration Policies at the Centre of Migration Research (CMR) of the University of Warsaw (UW), and former Head of the Migration Policies Research Unit at CMR (2018-2022).  Although Prof Pachocka academic profile is truly interdisciplinary, including political science, economics and migration studies. She has considerable experience in implementing cross-sector and multi-stakeholder projects co-funded by the National Science Centre (Poland), National Bank of Poland, Capital City of Warsaw, various ministries, EU Programmes (Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, LLP, Erasmus+, Creative Europe), and others. She is on the Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA) Board. She supports the European Commission Representation in Poland as an EU expert member of the Team Europe Direct Poland network. Prof Pachocka is also a member of several national and international associations, including UACES, IMISCOE, IPSA, IASF, IPPA, and the Consultative Forum of the EU Agency for Asylum. ORCID:  

Prof Pachocka has been actively involved in the works of the Board of IPSA RC46 “Migration and Citizenship” from the very beginning, fully supporting the Chair and other Members in the everyday functioning of the Committee, including IPSA World Congresses 2021 and 2023. She is running for re-election as an Officer for a final two-year term.

Officer Candidate 3 (received June 15, 2023)

Pelekeh Tapang is a Doctoral Candidate in Political Science and Public Administration at Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University - Turkey. Most recently, he completed a one Semester Fellowship on Political Economy at the Mercatus Centre at George Mason University - USA. This Fall, Pelekeh would be a Visiting PhD Researcher at the Department of Political Science, York University - Canada. His works are not limited only to Migration; they cut-across several areas and disciplines. He has been a recipient of several scholarships and awards. 

Pelekeh has been an Officer of RC-46 since its inception in 2018; throughout these years, he has attended all Board Meetings and contributed for the betterment, growth, and successes of RC-46. Thus, the submission of his candidacy for re-election for another two years. With his experiences and insights, he believes that he still has a lot to offer for the continuous growth of RC-46. 

Officer Candidate 4 (received June 20, 2023)

Silvia Lozeva is an academic, born in Bulgaria and currently living in Western Australia, with a background in sustainable development, International Relations, Political Science, Anthropology and Human Geography. She has research interest in migration studies, applied in the field of Ecological Citizenship, exploring the notion of political outcomes through civic and environmental engagement of recent migrants. Dr Silvia Lozeva also has explored in her work cultural politics of belonging through the prisms of cultural policies targeting mass migration of Muslims from Bulgaria to Turkey during the socialist era. Dr Silvia Lozeva’s most recent lived experience is in the field of remaking the state through political activism of the diaspora and the soft borders of citizenship in the context of transnational mobility, social networks and social technologies.

Currently, Silvia is working on a manuscript: Eco-Citizenship: Migration, Globalisation and Multiculturalism from Denmark, Western Australia. Against this brief background, Dr Silvia Lozeva is making herself eligible for re-election as an Officer of RC46 for another two years.

Officer Candidate 5 (received June 23, 2023)

Doga Atalay is a Post-Doctoral research fellow at Glasgow Caledonian University. He completed his PhD in Social Sciences at the Glasgow Caledonian University in 2022. Throughout his doctoral research, he worked as a researcher for various HORIZON2020-funded projects. He is currently working as a postdoctoral research fellow for Horizon2020 funded D.Rad: Deradicalisation in Europe and Beyond project. His most recent article entitled “Narrativizing the self: how do migrant experiences matter for joint belongingness?” has been published in Politics, Groups and Identities journal. His research explores why the non-binary nature of socio-cultural identities matter and how they can be read through the self-narratives of individuals to develop their intimacies and convivial experiences with others. Dr Atalay is a member of RC46 since 2019 and running for the officer role for the first time. He believes with his broad academic network which he built through various EU-funded projects, he can contribute to RC46’s future.

Officer Candidate 6 (received June 28, 2023)

Hsiu-Yu Tori Fan is an Associate Professor of Law at the Graduate Institute of National Development, National Taiwan University. She holds J.S.D. and LL.M. degrees from U.C. Berkeley and is licensed to practice law in New York State and Taiwan. Previously, she served as the co-chair of CRN2-Citizenship and Immigration with the Law and Society Association during 2019-2020. She also held the position of Director at the Anglo-American Law Research Center, Soochow University School of Law in Taiwan from 2021 to 2022. Her research and teaching focus on immigration law and policy, comparative constitutional law, and discrimination law and equality. Additionally, she currently holds various committee appointments as a public law expert from the Taiwan government. Her recent English publication with the International Migration journal can be found here:


Original Call for Nominations

This message is the official call for nominations to IPSA Research Committee 46, which addresses the themes of Migration and Citizenship. We encourage members of this committee to nominate colleagues (with their knowledge and interest of course) or self-nominations for these positions. Further information on RC 46 is available here: .

A list of candidates, by position, will be compiled below this call for nominations. This will be taken down after the election.

Elections are being held for all positions (number of persons being elected for each in parenthesis), including:

  Chair (1)

Vice-Chairs (2)

Treasurer (1)

Secretary (1)

Officers (7)

Voting for these positions will take place in person during the IPSA Congress. We are still awaiting confirmation of the date, time and room location, which we will share once it is available.  

Eligibility for positions:

-          Membership of RC 46 is open to all members of IPSA, and any IPSA member may run for an executive position. In addition to university faculty, students, practitioners, and all other members of IPSA are equally welcome in RC46 and in governing RC46.

-          If you are new to the board, you may run for a four-year term.

-        If they have not served more than one term, current Board Members may run again for the same position for a two-year period, or to a new position for 4 years. It is not uncommon for board members to seek an extension to their initial term.

-          You are not required to attend the 2023 conference in person in order to run.

 How to run for a position:

-          If interested, you may run for one of these positions by sending

  1. Your name as you wish it to be listed on the ballot, and the position you wish to run for (pick only 1)

  2. a short statement of no more than 150 words concerning your candidacy to Madimabe Tebele at as early as possible, and not later than July 2nd, 2023. You may use hyperlinks in your statement if you wish to link to a longer profile. This information will be shared on our google document containing information about this election.

  • If not done in advance, candidates may announce their intentions at the Board Meeting, however candidates are strongly encouraged to announce their candidacy in advance so that their names may be printed on a ballot in advance of the meeting and their biographies be made accessible to those electing them in advance of the meeting. If you do not submit your candidacy before July 2nd, your name will have to be manually written onto the ballot by those in attendance who wish to vote for you.

-        Your elections officers will compile and periodically update our public document of candidates’ information (below) we have received, and finalize this document shortly after July 2nd.

 How do I vote in the election and how do I know who the candidates are?

-          Per established practice of IPSA and this committee, you may vote in person for these positions at the 2023 IPSA meeting of this RC (exact date and time to be announced).

-          You may review the candidacies received to date (please allow several days for biographies to be posted after you send them) here . We will finalize this document shortly after July 2nd.

 Responsibilities of the position

-       While the RC will be as active as those involved make it, being a member of RC 46 is a substantial commitment. At a bare minimum, an RC provides a way to formally target and organize papers around migration/citizenship themes for the next World Congress.  An active RC might do things like have a pre-conference workshop for a day (on a theme) in advance of the World Congress, perhaps when it makes sense work with like minded sections in other associations to support a panel or activity at another conference (such as ISA, APSA, ECPR, for example), and communicate fairly regularly with members about relevant events/issues (in ways that are suggested on the website around events, or recent publications of members).



-   You may email John Carlaw, or Madimabe Tebele with any questions about this process.

Thank you for your membership in RC46 and considering a leadership position within it!

John Carlaw, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada and Madimabe Tebele, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

2023 Elections Officers for IPSA RC46